Learning about our faith does not end with the Sacrament of Confirmation, but is a life long endeavor, because it isn't just learning about a particular subject, but about the person of Jesus Christ and growing in our relationship with Him. Throughout the year, a number of different opportunities to grow in our faith will be offered. In particular, mini-series on related topics are offered every Monday at 10AM. 

BIBLE STUDY OF THE SUNDAY READINGS: Deacon Paul offers a Bible Study of the Sunday readings at St. Joseph’s Hall on Tuesdays at 9:30am. They study the readings for the coming Sunday. We are experimenting with the Bible Study on Zoom for those who can not be in person. Since we are not using any permission codes to get into zoom we require that at least at the beginning of the session that cameras be on. No ghost participants. Click here for the zoom link.

COMMENTARY ON THE SUNDAY READINGS: Fr. Fred writes a 4 page commentary on the Sunday readings. They are stored as a PDF in a on-line folder on one-drive.. Click here for the link.

THE ORDER OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS: This is a process of initiation for adults who did not receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist or Confirmation as children. This process begins in the Fall and meets once a week until Easter. If you have not received your sacraments or know of someone who hasn't and would like to, please contact the parish office for more information. This was formally known as the RCIA or Rite of Christians Initiation of Adults.

NIGHT MINI-COURSE: Deacon Paul has programs of Adult Formation on Mondays and Tuesdays during the day. Fr. Fred Babiczuk will teach Mini-Courses at night for those who can not go during the day. A Mini-Course would not be more than 2 or 3 sessions. These Mini-Courses will always be live streamed on zoom, and there will always be a Mini-Course Make-Up for those who can not attend. (See Mini-Course Make-Up below) Link for the zoom participation will be on Facebook and on homepage of both web sites.

MINI-COURSE MAKE-UP: Not everyone can attend a entire Mini-Course or even part of mini-course. Thus, Fr Fred will make the content of each mini-course available as a make-up Session. These make-up sessions are stored on a separate page. Click here for the page.