Eucharistic Adoration is a practice in the Roman Catholic Church, in which the Blessed Sacrament is exposed and adored by the faithful. Adoration is a sign of devotion to and worship of Jesus Christ, who is present Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity, in the form of the consecrated host. As a devotion, Eucharistic adoration, prayer, and meditation are more than merely looking at the Blessed Host, but are a continuation of what was celebrated in the Eucharist.
“The Church and the world have a great need of Eucharistic worship. Jesus waits for us in this sacrament of love. Let us be generous with our time in going to meet Him in adoration and in contemplation that is full of faith.”
Eucharist Adoration at St. Joseph's Church is every Tuesday, from 6-7PM. At 6:00PM, Father will place the Eucharist in the Monstrance (called Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.) After a few moments of quiet prayer, he will proceed by reading a Gospel passage and giving a brief reflection. Following the reflection, Father will hear confessions until about 6:45pm. During that time, people sit/kneel in quiet prayer before our Lord, present to us in the Eucharist (called Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament). Some pray the rosary, read from the bible or other spiritual books. At 6:45PM, we begin Solemn Benediction in which those present kneel and are blessed as the priest makes the sign of the cross with the monstrance holding our Eucharistic Lord. All are invited to join us each Tuesday night for the Holy Hour for as much time as they are available. You do not need to be there the entire time. Worship aides are available at the entrance of the Church which have all the prayers and songs for Exposition and Benediction.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament also takes place at St. Michael's Church in the Daily Adoration Chapel, which is open from 8AM-8PM every day.