The following events are scheduled in the near future at our parishes. Please mark your calendars!
Friday, March 21st - Clamcakes and Chowder, and More | St. Joseph Parish, 4-6PM
Eat in or take out. There are envelopes for ordering at the doors of the Church. You can also use the form below. In the space provided indicate how many of each item. and put this order form with payment. Cut out and place in an envelope with payment. Put in basket or bring to office.
Saturday, March 22nd - White Attire Party | St. Michael Parish, 6-11PM (Take out 4-5:30PM)
Tickets are $45 and include appetizers, soup, surf and turf, dessert and coffee. Entertainment by singer Antonio Morais. Tickets available from Mordomos Michael Aguiar and Sierra Penacho, the Parish Office or after all Masses.
Friday, March 28th - Veggie Chow Mein & Fries | St. Michael School, 4-6PM
Receive a heaping portion of Veggie Chow Mein with Fries, a vegetarian alternative during Lent, for $15, to benefit St. Michael School. Please contact the Parish or School office for tickets.
Saturday, March 29th - First Holy Communion Retreat | St. Michael Parish Hall, 9AM-12PM
The second graders from our school and religious education program will take part in their First Holy Communion retreat. Students are to arrive by 9AM. At 11AM, all parents must attend an information meeting. The retreat will end at 12PM.
Friday, April 4th - Fish and Chips | St. Michael Parish Holy Ghost, 4-6PM
$20 per plate, tickets available after all Masses, with Mordomos Michael Aguiar or Sierra Penacho or at the Parish Office.
Saturday, April 5th - International Dinner | St. Joseph Parish, 6:00PM
We will have food from many countries. Portugal: bacalhau (cod fish) and favas. Poland: Stuffed Cabbage & pierogi. United States: Pulled Pork, Mack n Cheese, Slaw. Mexico: Taco Bar & Spanish Rice. Ireland & Canada: Guinness Beef Stew & French Meat Pie. We will have breads and desserts from various countries as well. Tickets are $20, and are on-sale after Mass, in the office, or on-line. Tickets are limited to 80 people. Get them early.
Tuesday, April 8th - Lenten Theology Uncorked | St. Michael Parish Hall, 6:30PM
It is essentially a faith presentation with wine and cheese (and a little more). Our speaker is Fr. Leonard Kayondo. He is a priest of the diocese of Kabgayi in Rwanda and chaplain at St. Anne’s hospital. He is a survivor of the Rwandan Genocide. He will speak about the Genocide and forgiveness. He will also speak about his diocese in Africa and how the proceeds of our Lenten Rice bowl can help Catholic Schools. More details to follow closer to the event.
Saturday, April 12th - Confirmation Retreat| St. Joseph Parish Hall, 9AM-6:30PM
Our Confirmation students will have their retreat on Saturday, March 16th at St. Joseph’s Hall beginning at 9AM and concluding after the 5:15PM Mass. Please pray for our Confirmandi as they spend this day preparing for this important Sacrament.