Meet the Staff


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Deacon Paul was born and raised in Fall River, Massachusetts. He attended Catholic elementary and high schools and graduated from the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, with a Master's degree in engineering. Deacon Paul and his wife Carol have been married for 48 years and have two sons and two grandchildren. The Levesques were active parishioners at St. Bernard parish since moving to Assonet in 1978. Together, they were very involved in RCIA, Adult Faith Formation, and Religious Education. In addition to parish involvement, Deacon Paul was an active member of the Cursillo Movement for many years, serving as Lay Director for the Diocesan Cursillo Secretariat, and also as the Regional Coordinator for the New England/New York region. Paul was ordained to the Permanent Diaconate in 2013. In addition to his parish, Deacon Paul also ministers at Somerset Ridge Nursing Home. Deacon Paul was assigned to St. Michael’s and St. Joseph’s parishes by Bishop DaCunha on December 22, 2018.



Director of Pastoral Services | Mrs. Shanna Lubold has been serving as Director of Pastoral Services for both St. Joseph and St. Michael Parishes since May of 2015. Her goal is to lessen the administrative duties of the clergy, so that they may devote their time to the spiritual needs of their parishioners. She is a lifelong parishioner of Saint Michael's Church. She serves as a Youth Group Advisor, a lector, a member of the School and Parish Finance Councils, and has been a member of the parish choir since the age of 4. Shanna, daughter of Paulo and Lourdes Carvalho, is bilingual, speaking both English and Portuguese fluently. She and her husband Michael have been married ten years and have a wonderful, smart little boy named Samuel. Email


Mrs. Ana Lucy Mello


Director of Religious Education, Confirmation Grades | Mrs. Ana Lucy Mello is a Parishioner of St. Joseph's Church. She is the Director of Religious Education for the Confirmation Program, preparing our 8th and 9th graders for the final Sacrament of Initiation, Confirmation. Mrs. Mello also serves as a lector at Mass. Email

MRS. lisa ouellette


Director of Religious Education, Grades 1-7 | Mrs. Lisa Ouellette, a parishioner of St. Joseph's Church, is the Director of Religious Education for grades 1-7. Mrs. Ouellette also serves as a Eucharistic Minister. Email


Mr. and Mrs. Michael and shanna Lubold


Youth Group Coordinators | Michael and Shanna Lubold are the Coordinators of our joint Youth Group. Parishioners of St. Michael's Church, they serve as Mordomos of the Holy Ghost Feast Committee, and have been dedicated to the youth of the parish. Michael is a part of our Confirmation team.

Mr. and Mrs. ryan and michelle klein

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Junior Youth Group Advisors | Ryan and Michelle Klein are Advisors of our joint Junior Youth Group, serving grades 5-7. Parishioners of St. Joseph's Church, they serve as lectors, catechists, and have been dedicated to the youth of the parish. They are teachers at St. Michael School and have three children.